Archive: 31 2011


Add Variety to Your Pet’s Diet

Day in and day out, most of us feed the same food to our pets. For the most part that is just fine, but I think it is easy to add some variety to your pet’s diet. Most people feed a dry kibble to their pets. In deciding which kibble to use, make sure it […]


Teaching Your Dogs Good Eating Habits

A dog with finicky eating habits can make life tough for their owner: How do you know what food to try next? Why isn’t Rover eating well? There was a recent post on Solid Gold Northland’s Facebook page from a woman who was experiencing that very problem with her dog. Her dog is a small […]

A Visit to Minneapolis Animal Care and Control

In a recent blog post I talked about The Importance of Licensing Your Pet. I had spent time with Minneapolis Animal Care and Control, MACC, and was astounded at the good deeds they provide for people and animals in the Minneapolis community. As promised, this second part of the post is talking about the programs […]